Filipina VA @ Your Service

Chronicles of my journey in becoming a world-class Virtual Assistant

The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk Work From Home - Virtual Assistant - Jomar Hilario Seminar

Why I Want To Be A Virtual Assistant

I'm an Electronics Engineer (previously called ECE) by profession and an Analyst Programmer by experience. But I want to be a Virtual Assistant. Why? Because I want to work at home and at the same time be hands-on to my daughter and future kid/s. I know the demands of my previous work and it really cuts-off some quality time with family (on-calls, some Saturday work, long hours in the office, etc.). No offense to the financial institution I've worked for 4 and 1/2 years but that type of job will really take my time and that includes travel to and from the office where in that could have been spent with family. I am now working in my husband's family business while taking care of our daughter (we bring her with us to the office). But soon, she will start pre-school and will require me to bring her to school and attend to her needs (We don't have a nanny since she was born). That means, I need to resign from my current job and find another source of income wherein I can work from home. And that future source of income must contribute a lot to our household operating expenses, tuition fee, house amortization and other miscellaneous expenses.

When I came across Jomar Hilario's blog, I immediately want to attend his Manila VA Seminar. I paid for the fee which I considered reasonable and looked forward to attending on a holiday sched since I can take a leave from work. Unfortunately, they had to move the seminar the next day which I won't be available anymore. Good thing was they gave me an option to refund or get the online VA seminar instead. I opted for the online VA seminar where they sent me materials (which includes audio files) and guidelines on how to become a virtual assistant.

Attendees (live or online) must submit an assignment (based from the seminar) that will serve as the first step on how to be a VA. And now, I'm starting this blog to showcase what I have learned to become a virtual assistant - at your service!

Want a home-based job? Learn from Jomar Hilario HERE.


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